Afghan entrepreneurs to be exempt from all taxes in Uzbekistan

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Afghan entrepreneurs will be exempt from all taxes in Uzbekistan. This became known following the negotiations of the delegation of the Government of Uzbekistan headed by Prime Minister Abdullah Aripov in Kabul, the government portal of Uzbekistan reports.

Within the framework of the visit, an interstate business forum was held, where Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade of Uzbekistan Laziz Kudratov presented long-term plans to strengthen economic ties between the two countries.

From now on, road communication between the countries will be carried out around the clock. This will create additional business opportunities for residents of the two countries and contribute to the further development of mutual trade. In order to create conveniences for the fraternal Afghan people, the "Termez International Trade Center" will be launched in the southern part of Uzbekistan in the near future. A 15-day visa-free regime has been introduced for visitors to the center. Afghan entrepreneurs are exempt from all taxes," Uzbek Minister Kudratov assured at the Forum.

He also announced his intention to bring the volume of bilateral trade to $3 billion in the near future.

A key factor in this growth will be the entry into force of the preferential trade agreement on October 1 this year, which will cancel import duties on a number of Afghan goods, including agricultural products, carpets and some building materials.

To improve logistics cooperation, a round-the-clock operation of the Airitom - Hairaton border crossing has been introduced since the beginning of August.

The Termez International Trade Center has a 15-day visa-free regime and full tax exemption for Afghan entrepreneurs.

The Minister stressed that these measures will create additional business opportunities and contribute to the growth of mutual trade.

The governments of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan have also signed an agreement on mutual encouragement and protection of investors.

Joint commissions and subcommittees on various aspects of cooperation, including trade and economic, transport and logistics, mining and metallurgical, energy, agricultural and customs cooperation, have been established to promptly resolve emerging issues.

Kudratov paid special attention to the Trans-Afghan Railway project, which, according to him, will be a key factor in the development of economic relations between the countries, create new opportunities for entrepreneurs and improve conditions for mutual trade.

August 20, 2024