Tajikistan generates 98% of electricity from renewable sources

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President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon took part in the 27th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, Khovar agency reports.

The Tajik leader drew the attention of the conference participants to the fact that droughts and unprecedented floods of the current year in the world, including in the Central Asian region, reaffirmed that climate change is the most urgent problem on a global scale.

Tajikistan, 93% of whose territory is mountainous, remains vulnerable to climate change. “Natural disasters associated with this process annually cause hundreds of millions of dollars of damage to our country's economy, and in most cases lead to human casualties,” Rahmon said.

At the same time, despite the material damage caused by natural phenomena due to global warming, the share of the Republic of Tajikistan in the total volume of greenhouse gas emissions is insignificant. Tajikistan ranks 130th in the corresponding rating, that is, it is among the leading countries in terms of the low level of such emissions.

“More than 98% of electricity in Tajikistan is generated from renewable sources of“ green energy ”, especially through hydropower, and according to this indicator, we rank sixth in the world. At the same time, we plan to increase our share in the implementation of the zero-emission strategy by 2050 through the development of green energy," the President of Tajikistan emphasized.


Nov. 10, 2022