China and Turkmenistan upgraded relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership

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Chinese President Xi Jinping and Turkmen President Serdar Berdimuhamedov announced in Beijing that the relationship between the two countries has been upgraded to a comprehensive strategic partnership. This was reported by China Central Television, TASS wrote.

This decision was made during the talks that took place in the Beijing House of the People (Parliament) of China. The leaders of the two countries announced that the Sino-Turkmen relations have been upgraded to the level of a comprehensive strategic partnership, according to a Chinese TV channel.

Cooperation between China and Turkmenistan does not depend on the international situation, the President of Turkmenistan said. "Turkmen-Chinese interaction has a long-term character and is built in full accordance with the agreement signed by our countries in 2013 on establishing strategic partnership relations. This means that they do not depend on the international situation, time or situational factors, are not subject to outside influence," Berdimuhamedov said.

Since 2009, Turkmenistan has supplied China with 350 billion cubic meters. of pipeline gas. "Since the end of 2009, when the Turkmenistan-China gas pipeline was put into operation, the Turkmen side has supplied over 350 billion cubic meters of natural gas to China," Berdimuhamedov said.

According to the Turkmen leader, who is on a state visit to Beijing, such projects contribute to the settlement of global problems of energy development. As the President of Turkmenistan stressed, the gas pipeline "had a positive impact on the whole of Asia."

Ashgabat and Beijing carry out productive cooperation not only in energy, but also in the field of transport and high technologies, in the telecommunications sector, in the chemical and textile industries, in agriculture, in medicine and healthcare, Berdimuhamedov added.

January 6, 2023