Foreign business invested in Tajikistan twice as much as in 2021

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Tajikistan received 1.9 times more foreign direct investment in 2022 compared to 2021, said Saadi Kodirzoda, head of the State Investment Committee of Tajikistan. More than a hundred cooperation documents were signed for a total of 32 billion somoni.

In 2022, acts of cooperation were agreed within the framework of business and investment forums held with the investment and business circles of foreign states, including Egypt, Belgium, China, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Korea, Russia, Belarus, America, Saudi Arabia, there were also regional forums were held in Sughd and Khatlon regions, GBAO, Kodirzoda noted.

According to the Agency on Statistics under the President of Tajikistan, the total inflow of foreign investment in 2021 amounted to $718.3 million, of which $342.2 million is direct investment, $0.1 million is portfolio investment, and $376.0 million is other types of investment.

February 21, 2023