Glaciers in Kazakhstan and Central Asia may disappear by end of century

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A significant number of glaciers in the highlands of Kazakhstan and Central Asia may melt by the end of the century, reports.

Scientists came to this conclusion during studies that showed that the area of glaciers is reduced by one percent every year.

"Glaciers are the most striking indicators of climate change. On the other hand, they are one of the main sources of clean water in the countries of Central Asia. Together with melt and snow water, glaciers form at least 80% of renewable water resources. Therefore, the reduction of glaciers is a serious challenge for region", says Russian expert Takir Balykbaev.

If the melting of glaciers continues with the same intensity, then by the end of the century a significant part of them may simply disappear, the expert says. This will lead to water, environmental and food tension in the Central Asian region.

Experts note that the melting of glaciers is a global problem, there are many reasons for it. This is also affected by global warming. For a deep study and solution of the problem, it is necessary for all countries to unite, scientists believe.

Recent studies have shown that up to 15 million people are at risk of severe flooding due to overcrowding of glacial lakes, which can burst their banks at any time. The people of Asia and South America are most prone to such floods. In Asia alone, about a million people live just 10 km from a glacial lake. More than half of those at risk are from India, Pakistan, Peru and China.

March 23, 2023