Inter-parliamentary forum of Central Asia to be held in Kazakhstan

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The first inter-parliamentary forum of Central Asian countries is scheduled for February 2023 in the Kazakh city of Turkestan, Sputnik reports.

Maulen Ashimbayev, chairman of the Senate (upper house) of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, announced this.

"In the first half of February 2023, the first inter-parliamentary forum of Central Asian states is planned to be held in the city of Turkestan," he said at a meeting of the chamber.

According to the politician, the meeting is aimed at strengthening the parliamentary ties of the countries of the region, as well as getting new impulses from joint work.

In October 2022, Astana hosted several summits, including the first meeting of the heads of state of Central Asia and Russia.

There was also a summit of leaders of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the VI summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia.

The heads of Russia, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Iran, Qatar, Kyrgyzstan, Palestine, Turkey and Uzbekistan met under the chairmanship of the President of Kazakhstan.

December 29, 2022