Investigation began against the manufacturer of Dok-1 Max in India after death of children in Uzbekistan

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The production of Marion Biotech syrup has been suspended, an investigation initiated by the government of the country is currently underway, company spokesman Hasan Raza said, reports.

“We are sorry about the deaths, the Government of India is investigating. Based on the results, we will take appropriate action. Samples have already been taken. The production of this product has been suspended, other processes are ongoing,” Hasan Raza said in an interview with ANI.

According to Indian media, the Central Organization for the Control of Drug Standards of India has already launched an investigation.

Another representative of Marion Biotech, Hassan Harris, said that the governments of Uzbekistan and India are studying all the details and conducting an audit.

The Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan previously reported that the drug DOK-1 MAX was supplied to Uzbekistan by Quramax Medical LLC.

Tablets and syrup "DOK-1 MAX" produced by the Indian company Marion Biotech Pvt. Ltd in Uzbekistan were registered in 2012 and went on sale in the same year.

Earlier it was also reported that in Uzbekistan the number of children who died after using the drug "DOK-1 MAX" reached 19.

It also became known that the suspects in the criminal case of the death of 18 children were placed in the pre-trial detention center of the State Security Service (SSS) of Uzbekistan.

A case was initiated against officials of Quramax Medical LLC and Scientific Center for Standardization of Medicinal Products LLC under paragraph "a" of part 4 of Article 186-3 (production, manufacture, purchase, storage, transportation, sale of substandard or counterfeit medicines or medical products). appointment) of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan.

December 29, 2022