Kazakh oil to be delivered to Germany via Russian Druzhba oil pipeline

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There are no technical restrictions on the supply of Kazakh oil to Germany, Kazakh Vice Minister of Energy Askhat Khasenov said.

Partners on both sides continue commercial negotiations. For these deliveries, it is planned to use the Russian Druzhba pipeline. The first pumping should be 20,000 tons, Khasenov said.

“This volume for February is stated in the transportation schedule. Today, negotiations are underway between the buyer and supplier of oil. There are no technical restrictions. In the course of the first negotiations, historically, a lot of questions arise, they require a certain amount of time. That is, they do not remove this volume from the schedule, and we do not see any restrictions until the end of February,” Khasenov added.

Speaking about technical limitations, the Vice Minister explained that Kazakh oil is planned to be brought to the Druzhba oil pipeline through the Atyrau-Samara route. At the same time, “the authorized transportation company – Transneft” did not give us any restrictions on technical conditions. Thus, we see no barriers today, commercial negotiations are underway between the supplier and the buyer," he added.


February 16, 2023