Kazakhstan eliminates shortage of clean drinking water in regions

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Some regions of Kazakhstan experienced a lack of drinking water this year. The lowest level of drinking water coverage in villages is noted in Kostanay (74.9%) and North Kazakhstan regions (83.5%). In terms of urban water supply, the lagging region is the Zhambyl region (91%), the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of Kazakhstan, Kairbek Uskenbaev, expressed his assessment of the situation.

In this regard, the Government of Kazakhstan has planned to allocate 215 billion tenge from the budget to provide the population with drinking water.

As part of this program, it is planned to implement a project in the Mangistau region for 90 billion tenge, LS reports.

According to the authorities of this region, in 2024 they intend to start building a desalination plant with a capacity of 80 thousand cubic meters. m per year. The project will also include a water pumping station.

The new enterprise will use groundwater from the Tonirekshin deposit, which can produce 104,000 cubic meters per day. m of water with a salinity of 3-4 g per liter.

Private investors in Aktau are implementing a project to build a desalination plant with a capacity of 20 thousand cubic meters. m per day. The commissioning of the facility for 4 billion tenge is scheduled for 2023.


November 23, 2022