Kyrgyz Parliament ratified the agreement on Kyrgyz-Uzbek border

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The Parliament of Kyrgyzstan, the Jogorku Kenesh, voted for a bill on the ratification of an agreement on the delimitation of certain sections of the Kyrgyz-Uzbek border at one time in three readings, reports.

The document was supported by 64 deputies, 19 voted against.

The Jogorku Kenesh also supported an agreement with Uzbekistan on the joint management of water resources of the Kempirabad reservoir in three readings.

According to the procedure, the laws will come into force after being signed by the president.

On November 14, these documents were ratified by the Legislative Chamber of the Parliament of Uzbekistan.

The speaker on the bill was the Chairman of the State Committee for National Security Kamchybek Tashiev. President Sadyr Japarov was present in the parliament session hall.

The agreement on separate sections of the Kyrgyz-Uzbek state border and the Agreement on the joint management of water resources of the Kempirabad reservoir were signed by the foreign ministers of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan on November 3 in Bishkek. On November 14, the legislative chamber of the Uzbek parliament approved the ratification of the agreement.

Nov. 17, 2022