Ministry of Justise announces registration of seventh political party in Kazakhstan

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The Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan has announced that it has registered the seventh political party in the country, reports.
The Ministry noted, as of January 18, 2023, 7 political parties were registered in the country:

- Party Amanat.
- Democratic Party of Kazakhstan "Ak Zhol".
- People's Party of Kazakhstan.
- People's Democratic Patriotic Party "Auyl".
- "National Social Democratic Party".
- Kazakhstan Green Party "Baytak".
- Public association "Party "Respublica".

Earlier it became known that the Respublica party was the last to be officially registered in Kazakhstan.

Chairman of the Committee on Legislation and Judicial-Legal Reform of the Mazhilis Arman Kozhakhmetov confirmed the possibility of dissolving the Parliament in January. According to him, the dissolution can be initiated by deputies. After the announcement of self-dissolution, the next elections will be announced, which, according to the law, should take place two months after the announcement.

After the early election of Kassym-Jomart Tokayev as President of Kazakhstan in 2022, the issue of holding early parliamentary elections is on the agenda of the country's political life. For this, all legal conditions are created in Kazakhstan.

January 18, 2023