More and more tourists from China visiting Kyrgyzstan

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The prospects for cooperation in tourism, including business tourism, investment projects, ethno-tourism, and sports tourism, were discussed by the President of the Kyrgyzstan Tourism Development Support Fund, Kylychbek Rysaliev, and representatives of China’s Ministry of Tourism, Caidan Ranzhi and Gulmeyiz Toktonur kyzy, reports.

The participants noted an increase in the flow of Chinese tourists to Kyrgyzstan. In 2024, the country was visited by 127.9 thousand Chinese citizens, which is 56% more than in 2023. Kyrgyzstan was also included in the list of recommended destinations for independent travel by Chinese tourists.

It was highlighted that an additional incentive for increasing the tourist flow was the memorandum of understanding signed between the two countries, which simplifies the organization of group trips. Kylychbek Rysaliev emphasized that the Kyrgyzstan Tourism Development Fund will continue its active work in this direction.

At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed on further cooperation and regular information exchange to strengthen tourism ties.
February 12, 2025