Number of children born in Central Asian countries on New Year's Eve

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on New Year's Day 2023, doctors in Kyrgyzstan took 297 births, and 298 children were born.

165 boys and 133 girls were born. The twins were born in the Osh region.

There were 46 births in Bishkek: 22 boys, 24 girls.

The first birth in the republic took place exactly at midnight in the perinatal center of Osh, a boy was born (weight 3 kilograms 300 grams, height 51 centimeters). Also, childbirth was taken at 00.05 in the TsOVP of the Issyk-Ata region (a boy weighing 3 kilograms 450 grams, height 51 centimeters) and at 00.10 at the TsOVP of the Sokuluk region (a girl weighing 3 kilograms 175 grams, height 51 centimeters).

The population of Kyrgyzstan has recently exceeded 7 million people.


2,155 children were born In Uzbekistan in the first day of 2023. This is less than in 2022, but more than in 2018-2021.

On the first day of 2023, 2,155 children were born in Uzbekistan. This is less than January 1, 2022 - 2316, but more than in previous years: in 2018 - 1961, in 2019 - 1708, in 2020 - 1974 and in 2021 - 1644.

Of those born on January 1, there were 1099 boys and 1056 girls.

Most newborns per day were registered in Ferghana region - 252, Kashkadarya - 230, Namangan region - 219, Surkhandarya - 213 and Samarkand region - 213.

In 20 cases, twins were born - a total of 40 children.

The population of Uzbekistan is 36 million people.


240 babies appeared in Kazakhstan on their own on New Year's day.

On New Year's Eve, 125 boys and 115 girls were born, including one pair of twins.

The largest number of newborns born on a festive night was registered in the Turkestan region - 44 children.

In second place is Atyrau region, where 29 children were born, Almaty closes the top three, where 28 families celebrated replenishment.

17 babies were born in Astana on the first night of the year.

The population of Kazakhstan is 19 million people.

Data on the number of births on New Year's day in Tajikistan and Turkmenistan are not yet available. But in these countries, interesting events related to the birth of children also occurred:


The father of quintuplets, who were born on New Year's Eve for the first time in Tajikistan, asks the country's authorities to provide his family with a new apartment in Dushanbe. But Khatlon authorities say they are building a new three-room house next to the kids' grandfather's house in the Kubodien district of the Khatlon region. The quintuplets - two boys and three girls - were born in a Dushanbe maternity hospital a week ago to a 30-year-old resident of Kubodien, Dilnoza Mamadova. Parents of newborns say that in rural areas, without electricity and heat, it is impossible to provide proper care and education for babies. Doctors said that the children are healthy and their discharge from the hospital will depend on their condition.

Rakhmon Nurmurodov, the father of quintuplets, has a lot of worries these days. All day long he inquires about the health of his wife and newborn babies in the maternity hospital, and in the evening he returns to Cubodien, where the babies should arrive soon, but he is worried about the lack of conditions in the house. The birth of five children at once is a rarity. According to statistics, the probability of conceiving five naturally is 1 in 60 million. In Tajikistan in the past there were cases of the birth of triplets and quadruplets. There is no law on encouraging women who have given birth to more than three children in Tajikistan. However, the authorities and individual citizens provide material assistance to such mothers.

The population of Tajikistan has exceeded 10 million people.


For the Mommadov family from Ashgabat, 2023 began happily. Their baby was born in the first minutes of the New Year at the Ashgabat Scientific and Clinical Center for Maternal and Child Health. He is the first child born in the country in 2023.

According to the information program "Vatan" of the Turkmen television, the baby was named Bagtyar. The boy became the third child in the Mommadov family, who already have a 10-year-old daughter and a 5-year-old son.

The weight of the newborn is 3 kilograms 840 grams, height is 53 centimeters. He and his mother are under the supervision of doctors and nurses.

The boy's parents have already received congratulations and gifts from President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The population of Turkmenistan is 6 million people.

January 2, 2023