Population of Tajikistan grown

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In Tajikistan, the population has increased by 2%, Khovar News agency reports, citing the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

According to statistical data, taking into account the registration of births, deaths, and migration, the population on January 1, 2024, amounted to 10,277.1 thousand people.

"The natural population growth, according to preliminary data for January-December 2023 compared to 2022, increased by 3.9%. During this period, 239.9 thousand births were registered by the civil registration authorities within the timeframe established by law," the statement said.

The agency also notes that last year saw a 4% increase in the registration of births within the timeframe established by law. It is reported that the increase in birth registration is observed in all regions except Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO). In the Khatlon region, birth registration increased by 5.5%, in the Sughd region by 2.8%, in Dushanbe by 7.4%, and in the districts under republican subordination by 2.3%.

In GBAO, the registration of births decreased by 10.5%.


February 25, 2024