President Mirziyoyev announces big changes in Uzbekistan

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The number of ministries and departments in Uzbekistan will be reduced more than twice. At the same time, the number of civil servants will be reduced by 30-35%, the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev said in his annual message to the people. According to him, the time has come to move from “manual control” of the country to a compact and efficient system of state administration, the portal reports.

The current number of ministries and departments, numbering 61, in Uzbekistan will be reduced by more than 2 times - up to 28 items, announced Uzbek President.

“At the first stage, ministries will be reformed, and the method of work of the Government will fundamentally change. First of all, the number of ministries and departments will be reduced from the current 61 to 28. Now each ministry will be responsible for the implementation of state policy in the relevant area, as well as manage the committees, agencies and inspections included in the structure,” Mirziyoyev said.

The President of Uzbekistan proposed to move to a compact and efficient system of public administration.

“Why do I start my speech with reform in this direction? It was necessary to create new ministries and departments within six years in order to revive industries that were previously in a neglected state on the verge of extinction. We had to do this, otherwise we would not have achieved what we have now,” Mirziyoyev explained.

Uzbekistan has "achieved great results" in the areas of preschool education, housing and communal services, investments, public services, public-private partnerships, the Uzbek leader stressed.

Mirziyoyev noted that it is necessary to expand the private initiative and open up new prospects for it. Now, he emphasized, is the time to move from manual control to systemic control, working for a specific result.

“We must openly say that at present there are many duplicating [functions] in the state apparatus, there are unnecessary staff. Very high centralization. As a result, too much time, effort and resources are spent on finding the right solutions to today's complex problems. How long does it take for [the problem] to get from the district to the president? Let's introduce ourselves. The bureaucracy becomes a chain on our feet. The ministers have, so to speak, no voice in the decisions taken by the government. That is, their participation and responsibility in the preparation and implementation of these decisions are insufficient,” Mirziyoyev added.

President Mirziyoyev was elected head of state in 2017 for the first time. He was then re-elected for a second term in 2022. From the very beginning of his reign, Mirziyoyev has been pursuing a policy of reform, rapprochement with neighbors and improving relations with other countries. His policy is supported not only by the population of Uzbekistan, but also finds support at the international level.

December 20, 2022