President of Turkmenistan holds talks with Chairman of State Duma of Russia

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Cooperation between the parliaments of Turkmenistan and Russia became a key topic at the meeting between President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin, according to a statement on the official website of the State Duma of Russia.

“Last year’s visit to us in Russia and the meetings in the State Duma with the respected Arkadag gave the impetus thanks to which we are here today and will already work within the parliamentary dimension, to discuss the development of inter-parliamentary ties, because it was last year’s conversation in Moscow that became the basis of today’s conversation here in Turkmenistan,” Volodin said after the meeting.

The Chairman of the State Duma also conveyed warm greetings to the head of Turkmenistan from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Today, Volodin will also meet the Speaker of the Parliament (Mejlis) of Turkmenistan Gulshat Mammedova and address the Turkmen deputies. The visit of the Duma delegation to Turkmenistan was the first in 11 years, according to the website of the State Duma of Russia.

January 30, 2023