Railway China-KR-RUz to begin construction in 2024

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In 2024, the construction of the "China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan" railway is planned to commence, as stated by the Deputy Director of the National Investment Agency of Kyrgyzstan, Zhalyn Zheenaliev, during a press conference in Bishkek, Economist.kg reports.

According to him, a significant number of infrastructure projects are planned to be implemented in Kyrgyzstan next year. Zheenaliev informed that work will be carried out to modernize the "Manas" airport, construct a ring road in Uzgen, and build a solar power station with a capacity of 1.5 gigawatts.

The Deputy Head of the National Investment Agency (NAI) announced the initiation of the construction of a crucial infrastructure project for Central Asia and China – a railway connecting China through Kyrgyzstan to Uzbekistan. The construction of the railway is scheduled to commence in 2024.

Zheenaliev stated that with the successful implementation of all planned projects by 2026, Kyrgyzstan could attract investments ranging from $7 billion to $9 billion.


December 28, 2023