Discrepancy reasons between statistics of Uzbekistan and China on gas explained by difference in accounting

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The discrepancy in figures in gas trade between Uzbekistan and China was explained by "differences in the conduct of statistics, accounting by the two countries," Deputy Prime Minister, Energy Minister of Uzbekistan Zhurabek Mirzamakhmudov said, Gazeta.uz reports.

The Uzbek minister explained why the difference in gas trade is 3 times. According to data published by the National Statistical Committee of Uzbekistan, in November Uzbekistan exported gas to China worth $39.6 million. However, the Chinese side announced that $114.2 million was paid for gas, which shows a difference of 3 times.

“Our statistics take into account only the volume of exported gas and its amount. The Chinese side takes into account, in general, goods, products and services imported from Uzbekistan. As you know, a gas pipeline running from Turkmenistan to China passes through the territory of Uzbekistan, gas transit through our territory is carried out by the AsiaTransGas joint venture. In addition to the gas exported from Uzbekistan, there is the cost of the gas transit service transported through the territory of Uzbekistan. Summing up these two indicators, we get the figure provided by China's statistics,” the minister said.

The State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan stated that the statistics published promptly are preliminary. The volume and value of exports and imports of goods may change after clarification of the cargo customs declaration.

The State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan has not previously disclosed detailed information on services, which may contain more detailed data on gas transit.


December 23, 2022