Rectors of universities of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan to gather at Forum

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The Forum of Rectors of the Universities of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan will be held from February 28 to March 1, 2023 in Dushanbe, Avesta reports.

The forum will be held at the Tajik National University, said the rector of the university, Kobiljon Khushvakhtzoda.

It is expected that representatives of more than 20 higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan will come to the capital of Tajikistan to participate in the Forum, the rector said.

“We have cooperation agreements with most Uzbek universities, and we are confident that new cooperation agreements will be signed in scientific, educational and international areas,” the rector of TNU emphasized.

As a result of the Forum, the exchange of experience between teachers and students of the two countries will increase. “We must closely cooperate with the universities of the neighboring state,” Khushvakhtzoda said.

There are 274 foreign students studying at the Tajik National University, including 184 students from Uzbekistan, representatives of the Tajik National University said.

“Our university also has students from Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. This year, through interviews, we accepted 74 foreign students to our university,” explained the vice-rector of the university, summarized Ilyos Gafforzoda.

January 31, 2023