Relic drainless lakes of Turkmenistan - a haven for rare species of fish and animals

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In Turkmenistan, in the middle part of the ancient Uzboy river floodplain at an altitude below 50 meters above sea level of the Western Karakum, there is a system of relict endorheic lakes - Yasga, Karategelek and Topyatan, fed by groundwater.

These reservoirs were created by nature. The largest - Yasga is divided into two parts by a bridge, one aboveground has a salty composition, the second is underground, fresh. These lakes do not have any great commercial value, but they are a natural monument of Ancient Uzboy, they have not only historical, but also ecological and tourist significance, the portal writes.

Such rare fish as Aral stickleback, Caspian goby, common perch live in the waters of the lakes. Ichthyologists note populations of wild carp, Uzbek roach, and, perhaps, the world's only population of the dwarf form of oriental bream.

Freshwater reservoirs are also a place for watering and resting places for many species of Karakum animals.

The entire Uzboy valley is a favorable migratory corridor for birds that fly through the territory of Turkmenistan, including the white crane and the bustard. In some years, desert cat caracal and hyenas are found here, the State Publishing Service of Turkmenistan reports.

March 15, 2023