Russia remains one of main investors in Uzbekistan

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In the total volume of foreign investments and loans disbursed by Uzbekistan in 2023 from January to September, Russia’s share is 15.9%. This was reported by the Statistics Agency under the President of Uzbekistan, reports.

In total, for 9 months of 2023, Uzbekistan absorbed capital investments in the amount of 226.6 trillion soums or $18.5 billion. Of which, foreign investments and loans amounted to 104.4 trillion soums or 8.5 billion.

China and Russia continue to have the highest shares of total foreign investment and credit. The share of China is 24.5%, Russia – 15.9%.

It was previously reported that the volume of trade between Russia and Uzbekistan in the first seven months of this year increased by 14.4% year on year. Russia ranks first among Uzbekistan's trading partners - 18.6% of total foreign trade.

October 24, 2023