Spanish company intends to provide clean water to Turkmens

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During the Turkmen-German Business Forum in Berlin, negotiations were held with the Turkmen side regarding future project developments, Alejandro Martin Royal, the Regional Manager for Agriculture in Central Asia of the Spanish company TYPSA: Consulting Engineers Architects said, reports.

The Spanish company has plans to implement significant projects aimed at providing fresh water to around 2 million residents of Turkmenistan and irrigating 6,000 hectares of agricultural land. Prior to this, the company had already completed a project to construct a desalination plant that purifies water from the Caspian Sea, which is then used for irrigation between the cities of Turkmenbashi and Ashgabat, as reported by the newspaper "Neutral Turkmenistan."

"Before the start of the pandemic, 10 engineers from our company worked in Ashgabat, implementing a project in collaboration with the State Committee for Water Management. This project was very successful. We would like to expand and resume our activities in Turkmenistan and start working on water and other projects because Turkmenistan is developing dynamically and has great prospects for the future," said the company representative.

The company has been operating in Turkmenistan since 2018 and was founded in 1966. It employs 3,300 engineers and architects in 60 countries around the world.

The population of Turkmenistan is 6 mln people. The territory is 350 000 sq rm. Almost 80% of the territory is occupied by the Karakum Desert.

October 2, 2023