Taliban arrest and kill ISIS Khorasan terrorists in Kabul

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In the capital of Afghanistan, Kabul, as well as in the cities of Bamyan and Nangarhar, members of the ISIS-Khorasan terrorist group, who carried out an attack on the General Directorate of the Ministry of Interior of Afghanistan, were arrested and eliminated by the efforts of special services and law enforcement agencies. This was announced by a representative of the Taliban government, Mawlawi Zabihullah Mujahid, reports Ritmeurasia.ru.

According to him, the country’s special services prevented a terrorist attack that was to be carried out by a suicide bomber. The detainee turned out to be a citizen of Tajikistan.

“The investigation showed that the attackers on law enforcement officers arrived in Afghanistan from a training camp of the ISIS-Khorasan unit in Mastung, in Pakistan’s Balochistan province,” added the official Taliban representative.

In addition, Mujahid noted that after other operations in Kabul and Faryab, two ISIS members were killed, and several others were arrested.

He stated that some of these individuals had recently been transferred to Afghanistan from ISIS training camps in Pakistan’s Balochistan.

After ISIS was eliminated by Taliban special forces, the remaining leaders and members of this group fled to Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with the help of some intelligence services, where they established new training centers and camps.

These camps serve as bases for planning and carrying out attacks in Afghanistan and other countries, as well as targeting theologians and members of religious and political groups.


October 1, 2024