Taliban bans broadcasting of Radio Liberty and Voice of America in Afghanistan

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Radio Azadi and Voice of America, which started broadcasting in Afghanistan after the American occupation (in 2001), now has been stopped due to one-sided coverage of events and non-compliance with journalistic ethics, Khaama Press reported.

The interim government of Afghanistan, created by the radical Taliban movement that seized power in the country in 2022, banned the broadcasting of Azadi (Radio Liberty) and Voice of America radio stations in the FM band.

Khaama Press reported about the ban, citing a statement from the Afghan Ministry of Culture and Information, TASS reports.

“Radio Azadi and Voice of America started broadcasting after the American occupation and now stopped due to one-sided coverage of events and non-compliance with journalistic ethics,” the agency quoted Abdul Haq Hamad, head of the Afghan ministry’s broadcast oversight service, as saying. Broadcasting stopped from December 1, 2022.


Dec. 1, 2022