Turkmenistan attracts investors with prospects for offshore projects and better conditions

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The oil assets of the Turkmenneft concern are concentrated in more than 30 fields at this time, which are at various stages of development. The number of oil and gas wells operating in Turkmenistan is more than 2,300 units. Hydrocarbon resources of the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea are estimated at 18.2 billion oil equivalents.

Such figures were given by the chairman of the State Concern "Turkmenneft" Guvanch Agadzhanov, speaking at the oil and gas investment forum of Turkmenistan, held in Dubai, reports Orient.tm.

The main activity of the concern is concentrated in the West of Turkmenistan, and the presence of tectonic disturbances and a multi-layer structure are a feature of oil and gas fields here, which requires a special approach to the development of each field using innovative technologies, Agadzhanov noted at the opening of the session on investment opportunities in the Turkmen energy sector with a focus on offshore projects.

In order to extract hard-to-reach oil at fields that have been developed for a long time, a comprehensive modernization of the entire technological production is being carried out, as well as the widespread introduction of modern technology and highly efficient equipment.

To solve these problems, as well as to attract investments, the concern successfully cooperates with such companies as Yug-Neftegaz Private Limited (Singapore), Tatneft PJSC (Republic of Tatarstan, Russia), International Oil Service Company under the China Petrochemical Corporation (SINOPEC), Schlumberger and many others.

The chairman of the concern called on potential partners to also get involved in investment activities in Turkmenistan.


April 27, 2023