Turkmenistan expands information cooperation with China

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Three documents on mutual cooperation in the information sphere were signed in Beijing following talks between Turkmen President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Chinese President Xi Jinping, the Turkmen TV channel "Turkmenistan: Golden Age" reported.

They are:

• Agreement on news exchange and cooperation between the State News Agency of Turkmenistan and the Xinhua News Agency of China.

• Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation between the State News Agency of Turkmenistan and the newspaper "People's Daily" (PRC).

• Memorandum on information and news cooperation between the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography and China Media Corporation.

In the fall of 2022, the authorities of Turkmenistan announced their intention to intensify cooperation with foreign partners in the information field.

At a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan in October, Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov proposed creating a press group from the Turkmen media under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, intensifying interaction with the press attache of diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan, and establishing contacts with leading regional and international television channels.

On December 2, 2022, it was decided to establish an International Information Center within the structure of the State Committee of Turkmenistan on Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography, where programs, short documentaries and videos dedicated to Turkmenistan will be prepared for broadcast on the air of foreign media.


January 11, 2023