Turkmenistan hosts celebrations in honor of Turkmen Alabai Day

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On October 27, Turkmenistan celebrated the Festival of the Turkmen Alabai nationwide, with various events such as exhibitions and creative contests showcasing artistic representations of the Alabai dog in fine and applied arts, according to the State News Agency of Turkmenistan (TDH).

The main celebrations took place at the complex of the International Association "Türkmen alabaý itleri," attended by government officials, members of parliament, diplomats, international organizations, dog breeders, and media representatives. A musical performance was also held in the square outside the complex.

One of the highlights of the festivities was the conclusion of the International Contest “Ýylyň türkmen edermen alabaýy” (Brave Alabai of the Year 2024). The winner received the grand prize from the President of Turkmenistan: the keys to a Toyota Camry, along with a special medal, a rotating trophy, and a diploma.

In addition, the winners of the creative competition for artistic depictions of the Alabai were announced.

Celebrations honoring the Turkmen Alabai were held in cities and villages across the country, TDH reports.


28 октября 2024 года