Turkmenistan intends to develop hydrogen energy

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Turkmenistan considered the implementation of the Roadmap for the development of international cooperation in the field of hydrogen energy for 2022-2023.

Energy diplomacy is one of the priority areas of Turkmenistan's foreign policy, Deputy Foreign Minister Berdyniyaz Myatiev said at a meeting of the Interdepartmental Working Group on the Development of Hydrogen Energy in Turkmenistan. Myatiev chairs the Working Group.

The country has rich energy reserves and promotes the development of international cooperation in the field of energy, consistently puts forward important initiatives in this area and actively participates in the implementation of projects of international and regional importance.

Today, the country is working to implement global initiatives in the field of hydrogen energy, establish effective international cooperation in this area, create a high-performance industry based on modern technologies, provided with qualified specialists.

The participants of the meeting - heads and representatives of relevant ministries and departments were acquainted with the work of the center for hydrogen energy, created at the International University of Oil and Gas named after Ya. Kakaev.


July 14, 2023