Turkmenistan ranks lowest in fighting of corruption in Central Asia

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In the ranking of the annual study "Corruption Perceptions Index - 2022" Turkmenistan scored 19 points. However, if in 2021 the country ranked 169th, this time it has risen by two points and ranked 167th out of 180, according to a report from the Hronikatm.com portal.

The study is conducted by Transparency International, an international non-governmental anti-corruption organization.

In the ranking, Turkmenistan is on a par with such countries as Chad, the Comoros and Nicaragua.

Among the countries of Central Asia, Kazakhstan (36 points) ranked 101st, Uzbekistan (31) - 126th, Kyrgyzstan (27) - 140th and Tajikistan (24) - 150th. Russia scored 28 points and took 137th place.

Afghanistan dramatically improved its position - 24 points and 150th place against 16 points and 174th place in 2021.

Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore and Sweden have traditionally topped the list.

The most corrupt countries were Yemen, Venezuela, South Sudan, Syria and Somalia.

The countries and territories included in the Index are ranked by the level of perception of corruption in the public sector based on expert assessments and surveys of entrepreneurs.


February 1, 2023