UN intends to continue its cooperation with Afghanistan

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The international community intends to continue its interaction with Afghanistan, which is under the control of the radical movement Taliban. Deputy UN Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo stated this at a press conference in Doha, as reported by TASS.

Commenting on the outcomes of the meeting of special representatives on Afghanistan, the UN deputy chief emphasized that "the discussions confirm the unity of the international community in its determination to continue engaging with Afghanistan."

At the same time, DiCarlo underscored that the process of interaction and the meeting of special representatives, to which the Taliban delegation was invited, do not constitute normalization or recognition of the radical movement. "I hope that constructive exchanges on various issues over the past two days have brought us closer to addressing some of the problems that have had such a devastating impact on the Afghan people," she added.

On June 30, a two-day meeting of special representatives on Afghanistan began in Doha, which included an invitation to the Taliban. Their delegation comprised six members chaired by the official representative of the movement, Zabihullah Mujahid. Participants focused on discussing political and economic issues related to the further development of Afghanistan.

The meeting of special representatives on Afghanistan, held under the auspices of the UN, marks the third since May 2023. The previous round of talks in February this year took place without the Taliban, as the movement's delegation declined to participate, citing the invitation of representatives from Afghan civil society to the meeting.


July 2, 2024