Uzbekistan creates special headquarter against backdrop of warming and melting ice in mountains

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According to the information of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Uzbekistan, a permanent headquarter for the prevention of emergencies has been created in Uzbekistan, reports.

According to Uzhydromet, from January 30, the air temperature will rise to 10 degrees Celsius during the day and 3 degrees Celsius at night. Warming will also be in the foothills and mountainous regions of Uzbekistan. In this regard, the melting of snow and ice in mountainous areas is accelerating, and the likelihood of mudflows, landslides and floods is increasing.

Under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov, a videoconference was held to discuss priority tasks for the prevention of emergencies related to floods, floods and landslides.

At the meeting, the situation in the region was carefully analyzed, instructions were given to the heads of relevant ministries, departments and khokimiyats to prevent and eliminate possible negative incidents.

On the basis of the presidential decree, a permanent headquarters for the prevention of emergencies related to floods and landslides has been established.

An abnormally cold winter has been recorded in Uzbekistan this winter. There was a lack of energy in the country. Uzbekistan stopped exporting gas and electricity to neighboring countries. Due to the lack of electricity and gas for its own needs, Uzbekistan purchased them from neighboring Turkmenistan.

January 30, 2023