Uzbekistan resumes natural gas supplies to China

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Uzbekistan delivered $40.47 million worth of natural gas to China in April, reported referring to data of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China.

Since the beginning of the year, this is the first month when Chinese statistics recorded the import of Uzbek blue fuel. There were no deliveries in January-March, the report said.

Kazakhstan also increased the pumping of gas to the Celestial Empire in April. Revenue for the month was $119.5 million versus $29.9 million for the entire first quarter. Deliveries reached a minimum in February - $778,000.

Turkmenistan has become the leader in the export of pipeline gas to the Chinese market, having received $3.42 billion for this since the beginning of the year. Russia is in second place with a noticeable margin - $1.76 billion.

In 2022, Uzbekistan received $1.07 billion from gas supplies to China, slightly less than Kazakhstan. Compared to the previous year, revenue increased by about a third.

According to the State Statistics Committee, over 11 months Uzbekistan supplied gas to China worth $910.9 million. At the same time, the discrepancy with the data of Chinese customs amounted to almost $120 million. The minister of energy explained this by taking into account China's payment for the transit of Turkmen gas.

In December, the head of Uztransgaz announced a complete suspension of the export of blue fuel. The released volumes were redirected to domestic consumers during the winter season.

Earlier, Spot wrote that it was instructed to create a special online database for registering contracts for the sale of gas and oil.

May 24, 2023