ADB to support Tajikistan in preserving glaciers and combating climate change

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The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will launch four new projects in Tajikistan in 2025 aimed at glacier conservation, improving water security, financing the Rogun hydropower plant, developing transport infrastructure, and digitalizing agriculture, Avesta reports, citing the bank’s representative office.

The programs will be implemented considering the growing threat of climate change and the need to protect natural resources, particularly glaciers, which play a key role in water supply and hydropower in the region. The year 2025 has been declared the International Year of Glacier Preservation and marks the beginning of the Decade of Action on Cryosphere Sciences (2025–2034).

According to ADB’s Country Director for Tajikistan, Ko Sakamoto, glacier melting is a particularly urgent issue for the Asia-Pacific region. “More than two billion people rely on stable river flows, which are changing due to the accelerated melting of glaciers. This affects drinking water supply, hydropower, irrigation, livestock, and fisheries. Glacier conservation is one of the greatest challenges of our time,” Sakamoto emphasized.

As part of this initiative, Tajikistan will host the International Conference on Glacier Conservation in 2025, bringing together the global community to seek solutions to climate challenges. Later, this issue will be discussed at the UN Climate Change Conference in Brazil.

The Asian Development Bank is a key partner of the Tajik government in organizing the conference. “ADB is proud to be Tajikistan’s leading partner on climate change issues. As the climate bank for the Asia-Pacific region, we will actively support the country and other developing states in their efforts to mitigate the impacts of climate change,” Sakamoto noted.

ADB has previously implemented several major projects in Tajikistan in the fields of water resources, hydropower, and agriculture. The new initiatives are expected to help the country better adapt to climate change challenges and preserve its natural resources for future generations.
February 27, 2025