Afrosiyob train in Uzbekistan could not withstand drop in temperature

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A malfunction occurred in the Afrosiyob high-speed train No. 765 on the Bukhara-Tashkent route in Uzbekistan, reports.

The high-speed train could not withstand the abnormal cold weather and stopped with a breakdown at the Malik station near the city of Navoi, the cause of the malfunction was reported by the Press Service of Uzbekistan Temir Yullari, the state railway companies in Uzbekistan.

To deliver passengers to their destination, a reserve train Afrosiyob was sent to Malik, which coped with the task.

It is worth noting that Uzbekistan Temir Yollari did not specify what exactly broke down on the train from the cold.

Earlier, another Afrosiyob with passengers was left without electricity due to a sky lantern. Reckless residents launched a construction near the railway for the New Year, and they began to look for the perpetrators.

Uzbekistan is experiencing one of the coldest winters this year.

January 13, 2023