Amendments to Uzbek Constitution being prepared more slowly than expected

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The Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis (Parliament) of Uzbekistan adopted a resolution to continue work to improve the draft constitutional law on amendments to the Constitution of Uzbekistan, Ritmeurasia reports.

The vice-speaker of the chamber, the head of the Milliy Tiklanish party and a member of the Constitutional commission, Alisher Kadirov, after the meeting, said that the draft law was returned to the responsible committees, taking into account the numerous proposals of the deputies. “I did not support this decision, but I believe that many of the proposals made are justified and should be seriously studied,” he added.

Jahongir Shirinov, Chairman of the Committee on Combating Corruption and Judicial and Legal Affairs of the Lower House of Parliament, said that 15 new articles and 1 new chapter, as well as amendments and additions to 76 articles, are planned to be introduced into the Constitution.

According to him, today the project is being discussed and finalized at joint meetings of the chamber's responsible committees, as well as at meetings of factions of political parties.

As a result of the discussion, 128 deputies voted for the adoption of a resolution on the continuation of work on the amendments, 1 opposed and 1 did not vote.

Speaker of the House Nurdinjon Ismoilov said that the document provides recommendations to the responsible committees and the constitutional commission to continue their work, attract experts to study the amendments, intensify work to justify the development of proposals for amendments and ensure consideration of citizens' proposals that continue to come.

On June 20, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, at a meeting with members of the constitutional commission, proposed adopting amendments to the Constitution through a referendum.

According to the law on a referendum, it can be held within at least one and a half months after the date of the referendum is announced by the chambers of the Oliy Majlis. This date has not yet been announced.

Nov. 28, 2022