Electronic queue to implement on border of Kazakhstan with Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan

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Along the perimeter of the territory of Kazakhstan, an electronic queue will be introduced at four more checkpoints by March this year, the Kazakh edition Vesti.kz reports.

Previously, such a line was introduced on the border of Kazakhstan with China, now it will appear on the border with Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

“Of the four checkpoints, two on the border with China are the Bakhty checkpoints (Abay region) and Maikapchagay (East Kazakhstan region). The CarGoRuqsat service will start operating at Bakhty from February 15, and at the Maykapchagay autocrossing from February 20. Earlier, on the Kazakh-Chinese border, an electronic queue was introduced at the Dostyk and Nur-Zholy checkpoints. The other two checkpoints are located in the southwest of the country. These are the checkpoints "Temir-Baba" - from February 22 and "Tazhen" - from February 27. Both checkpoints are located in the Mangistau region. The first is on the border with Turkmenistan, the second is with Uzbekistan,” the State Revenue Committee said.

Today, about 7.5 thousand users are registered in the system, who made 84 thousand queue booking operations.

At the same time, it is reported that the service will be supplemented by identity verification through Face ID, that is, through face scanning, and will also earn confirmation through a bank card for foreign citizens.

Kazakh carriers are checked through state databases, but there is no integration with databases for foreign carriers, so there were facts when representatives of several foreign companies booked a queue, modifying the license plates of vehicles, that is, driving them in one case with a dash sign, in in another case - with a "gap", and massively occupied the reservation, explained the chief specialist of JSC "Information and Accounting Center" of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan Azamat Kurmanov.

Recall that since November 23, 2022, an electronic queue has been introduced at several checkpoints on the Kazakh-Chinese border - the CarGoRuqsat service. Carriers book the queue in advance and already at this stage go through format-logical control, which speeds up the process of crossing the border. In addition, the system checks for tax debts, for travel on toll roads, checks the registration of a tractor and trailer, and so on.


February 15, 2023