GDP of Tajikistan in first half of 2023 grew by more than 8%

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In the first six months of 2023, Tajikistan's GDP amounted to 54.2 billion somoni, with a growth rate of 8.3%, according to the Minister of Finance, Fayziddin Kakhhorzoda, Avesta reports.

Taking into account the execution of the state budget revenue plan at 108.7%, the state budget received 9.2 billion somoni, Kakhhorzoda stated.

The revenue plan for local budgets was fulfilled at 105.2%, or 4.3 billion somoni.

State budget expenditures for the period from January to June 2023 amounted to 18.6 billion somoni, allocated to various sectors of the country's economy and implemented within the planned framework.

Budget funds were allocated to the sphere of state governance and administration - 913.0 million somoni, education - 3.1 billion somoni, healthcare - 1.4 billion somoni, social insurance and protection - 2.1 billion somoni, utilities - 964.3 million somoni, culture and sports - 585.9 million somoni, fuel and energy sector - 3.1 billion somoni, agriculture - 883.3 million somoni, construction and industry - 128.8 million somoni, transportation and communication - 1.7 billion somoni.

The budget's social orientation was preserved, as in previous years. For financing the social sphere, including utilities, 8.2 billion somoni were allocated, accounting for 44.3% of the total expenditures within the state budget.

With the goal of fulfilling the state's social obligations, including timely payment of salaries to employees of budget organizations, 4.0 billion somoni were allocated.

During this period, 101.5 million somoni from the state budget were directed towards facilitating the country's foreign economic activities.

To service the state debt from current budget expenditures for the period from January to June 2023, a total of 368.9 million somoni were spent, including 351.0 million somoni for repaying the principal debt and 17.9 million somoni for debt interest.

To fulfill financial obligations to development partners, $121.5 million were allocated for servicing the external debt of the state, including $82.5 million for repaying the principal debt and $39.0 million for paying interest on the debt.

In the first half of the current year, 3.4 billion somoni were spent to implement state investment projects.

In addition, measures to strengthen relations with international financial institutions and development partners were intensified to attract additional funds for Tajikistan's socio-economic development sector. For the implementation of state investment projects, credit and grant agreements were signed for a total of $253.6 million, of which $12.1 million were loans and $241.5 million were grants.

At present, 1 US dollar according to the official exchange rate of the National Bank of Tajikistan is equal to 10.96 somoni.

August 16, 2023