Governments of Uzbekistan and China discussed ways to reduce poverty

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Representatives of the Government of Uzbekistan and China exchanged views on cooperation in the field of poverty reduction, on the work carried out in this area in Uzbekistan, the "Dunyo" portal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan reports.

Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction of Uzbekistan Jamshid Kuchkarov and Deputy Premier of the State Council of China Hu Chunhua held talks in Tashkent, the report said.

The parties discussed the full institutional framework for poverty reduction, including the methodology for determining the boundaries and levels of poverty, targeted measures, the introduction of the institution of hokim assistants and their activities.

A proposal was put forward to establish a Subcommittee on Cooperation in the Field of Poverty Reduction and to organize its first meeting in 2023 in Uzbekistan.

It was noted that by 2026 it is planned in Uzbekistan to reduce the level of poverty by half. In achieving these goals, it is important to study the best practices of China, as well as to expand the exchange of experience and opinions. China was one of the first countries in the world to announce a complete victory over absolute poverty in 2021. This result has received special recognition from a number of international organizations, including the UN.

The Uzbek delegation included the Minister of Finance of Uzbekistan Timur Ishmetov, First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Ilkhom Norkulov, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Shukhrat Mirzaev and others.

The Chinese side was also represented by Chinese Ambassador to Uzbekistan Jiang Yan, Deputy Secretary General of the State Council Guo Wei, Vice Chairman of the State Committee for Development and Reform Lian Weiliang.

At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed to further expand mutually beneficial ties and develop cooperation at a new stage.

December 12, 2022