Half of foreigners convicted in Kazakhstan are Uzbeks

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486 citizens of Uzbekistan are being held in prisons in Kazakhstan, Deputy Prosecutor General of Kazakhstan Asset Chindaliev said, Zakon.kz reports.

The senators of Kazakhstan approved the ratification of the agreement between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan on the transfer of convicted persons for further serving their sentences. Negotiations on signing an agreement between the two countries have been going on for several years.

Currently, 486 citizens of Uzbekistan are serving sentences in the prisons of Kazakhstan. This is half of the foreign citizens who were subjected to such punishment in Kazakhstan. In Uzbekistan, 20 citizens of Kazakhstan are serving sentences of imprisonment.

In most cases, those serving sentences in another country do not know the language and local customs, so communication with people is complicated by the fact that they are in a different environment, Chindaliev said.

The convict is provided to the second party in the following cases:

- if he is a citizen of one of the two countries;
- if his actions are considered a crime in both countries;
- if the period of serving the sentence is at least one year;
- if both countries agree to provide each other with criminals.

Granting will be refused if the actions of the convict undermine the sovereignty and security of the country, contradict national legislation, he has financial obligations and if there is a trial or investigation.

In order to transfer the offender to his homeland, the convict must submit a statement of intent to serve the sentence in his country. The law adopted by the Parliament has been sent to the President of Kazakhstan for signature.


February 9, 2023