Kazakhstan plans to increase grain exports to China

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The potential for the export of Kazakh wheat to China, as well as the existing agreements on the supply of grain, were discussed at a meeting between the Minister of Agriculture of Kazakhstan Yerbol Karashukeev and Vice President of the Chinese company COFCO Zhu Zeiyu. This company is China's largest importer of Kazakh wheat, Ritmeurasia.org reports.

Karashukeev noted at the talks the great opportunities of Kazakhstan for the production of high-quality and organic agricultural products, as well as food. He recalled the record harvest in 2022: 22 million tons of grains and legumes were harvested, including 16.4 million tons of wheat. This makes it possible to plan an increase in the volume of annual deliveries to China up to 1 million tons by grain carriers and covered wagons.

During the negotiations, the possibility of purchasing other crops, such as flax, barley, sunflower and rape, was considered.

As part of the visit, the Chinese delegation visited the grain-receiving enterprises of the food corporation in the Akmola region, got acquainted with the process of loading agricultural products, and also visited the research and production center of grain farming named after. A.I. Baraev.


July 14, 2023