Kyrgyzstan included in “Soft Power Rating” for first time

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The British consulting company Brand Finance has released the "Global Soft Power Index" for the year 2024, which includes Kyrgyzstan for the first time. In the list of countries ranked by their cultural and economic influence, Kyrgyzstan started at the 148th position out of 193 countries, reports.

The Global Soft Power Index conducts research on the perception of national brands, covering more than 100,000 respondents. It demonstrates a country's ability to influence other nations through attractiveness and persuasion rather than coercion and force.

The overall soft power index is based on the assessment of a country's recognizability, reputation, and influence. It also takes into account indicators such as business and trade, media and communication, culture and heritage, education and science, people and values, international relations, governance, and sustainable development.

Kyrgyzstan has been evaluated for the first time in the Soft Power Index, scoring a total of 29 points. Kyrgyzstan started at the 148th position out of 193 countries. Compared to its neighbors, this is currently the lowest ranking. Tajikistan is at the 145th position, Uzbekistan at the 101st position, and Kazakhstan at the 80th position. China ranks third in the global rating, trailing only behind the United Kingdom and the United States.

Kyrgyzstan is not the only newcomer to the Soft Power Index. In 2024, other countries that entered the index for the first time include Belarus (87th place), Moldova (118th place), Mongolia (122nd place), and Tajikistan.

March 12, 2024