Kyrgyzstan to buy 2.5 bln kWt-hours of electricity from 3 countries

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Kyrgyzstan plans to import over 2.5 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity from Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan. Moreover, from Russia - for the first time, said the chairman of the board of the National Energy Holding of Kyrgyzstan Taalaibek Baigaziev, reports the portal

In 2022, Kyrgyzstan experienced an electricity shortage of approximately 2.5 billion kilowatt-hours, Baigaziev said.

There is been a lack of own production. Previously, the consumption in the country was 12 billion kilowatt-hours while generating 14 billion kilowatt-hours. In high-water years, this surplus could be exported. But now domestic consumption has increased. In 2022, consumption amounted to 16 billion kilowatt-hours. This year it is expected to reach 17 billion kilowatt-hours. Of these, the government plans to cover 14.5 billion with its own generation at the expense of hydroelectric power stations and thermal power plants. The rest is due to imports, Baigaziev explained.

“We have a shortage of electricity. Therefore, we have concluded import contracts with the energy systems of Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Russia and transit through the energy system of Uzbekistan. This year we plan to cover the deficit of 2.5 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity through imports. We take a large amount from Turkmenistan - 1.6 billion kilowatt-hours. In January-April, 577 million kilowatt-hours have already been imported from Kazakhstan. We signed an agreement with Russia to import about 500 million kilowatt-hours this year and next year for the first quarter of 314 million kilowatt-hours,” Baigaziev said.

He added that for the first time Kyrgyzstan will supply electricity from Russia. In the event of an increase in consumption, they will agree on an increase in imports.

Kyrgyzstan has already been importing electricity from Turkmenistan since the end of 2022.

May 11, 2023