Kyrgyzstan tries to push back threat of blackout

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Abnormally cold weather has experienced all the countries of Central Asia in recent weeks. Accordingly, the consumption of electricity and heat increased, there were interruptions in the supply of energy and accidents at power facilities in many countries of the region.

In Kyrgyzstan, last week was also marked by record-breaking electricity consumption: absolute maximums were reached on the most frosty days - daily consumption exceeded 76 million kWh, and evening loads reached 3.3 thousand megawatts. The equipment is simply not able to cope with such loads. According to a number of experts, the threat of a blackout in Kyrgyzstan has become real.

The country's authorities are trying to push back this threat. Thus, the development of small hydropower plants, as well as the construction of green energy facilities, has been intensified. “According to the calculations of specialists, today there are more than 100 sites for installing equipment for small hydropower plants,” says Emilbek Orozbaev, head of the Green Energy Fund. - Ideal conditions have been created in the Issyk-Kul region for launching wind farms and solar stations in the south of the country. For example, in the Tonsky district near the city of Balykchy, the construction of a wind farm with a total installed capacity of 100 MW has begun.”

International financial institutions show a wide interest in financing projects in the field of renewable energy sources. According to Orozbaev, “Kyrgyzstan is an attractive country for investment. In this regard, businesses can launch projects with the support of financial institutions and commercial banks. In turn, the Green Energy Fund is ready to act as a guarantor between investors and the state in the launch of projects.”

January 19, 2023