Ministry of Energy will not allow shortage of gas in Kazakhstan

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Gas shortages in the domestic market of Kazakhstan are not expected in 2023. In this regard, import issues are not being worked out, the Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan said.

At the same time, the Ministry is working to replenish the gas resource base in order to avoid its shortage in the future, the LS portal reported. The ministry predicts that gas production in 2023 will amount to 53.5 billion cubic meters. m, which is 3.5% more than a year earlier. Production will amount to 28.2 billion cubic meters. m. At the same time, domestic gas consumption is projected at more than 20 billion cubic meters. m.

The share of the gasified population of Kazakhstan will be increased to 59.9% through 86 projects worth 73.9 billion tenge.

Full satisfaction of Kazakhstan's internal needs provides grounds for determining the volume of exports. Today, Kazakh gas is exported to China.

February 8, 2023