More than 20 Kazakh universities entered the global ranking of the best universities in the world

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The QS World University Ranking of the best universities in the world in 2023 includes 21 universities from nine cities of Kazakhstan (in 2022 - 16 universities), reports.

Almost 3 thousand universities from all over the world took part in the sample, of which only over 1.4 thousand universities from 104 countries were included in the ranking of the best.

“The number of Kazakhstani universities in the ranking increased by five compared to the same indicator of the previous year (+31.25%),” the Ministry of Science and Higher Education said in a statement.

For the first time, five Kazakhstani universities were included in the rating: East Kazakhstan University named after Daulet Serikbayev (901-950 position), Narxoz University (1201-1400 position), Suleiman Demirel University (1201-1400 position), Kyzylorda University named after. Korkyt Ata (1201-1400 position), Taraz Regional University. M.Kh. Dulati (1201-1400 position).

QS World University Rankings is a global study and annual ranking of the best world universities according to the British company Quacquarelli Symonds (QS).

More than 20,000 universities around the world are evaluated within this ranking. In order to be ranked, universities annually submit data in a large volume and in a specially established format.

The ranking of the best universities in the world in the QS ranking was previously based on six criteria: academic reputation 40%; reputation among employers 10%; the ratio of teaching staff to the number of students 20%; citation index 20%; share of foreign teachers 5%; share of foreign students 5%.

According to Sergey Khristolyubov, QS Regional Director for Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, in 2023 three more new indicators were added to strengthen the requirements for university scientometric indicators. These include the share of publications of scientists in collaboration with foreign colleagues, the level of employment of graduates and the number of outstanding graduates.

In early June, it was reported that six branches of foreign universities would be opened in Kazakhstan this year, where Kazakhstanis would be able to get a technical education.

Earlier, Kursiv wrote that a new state technical university would appear in Kazakhstan. 500 million tenge were allocated from the government reserve for its creation.

Also this year, it is planned to open a branch of the American university Michigan State University in Astana. And on the basis of the Atyrau University of Oil and Gas named after. Utebaev opened a branch of the Russian State University. Gubkin, in Almaty - a branch of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI on the basis of KazNU. al-Farabi.

June 30, 2023