Outflow of money of individuals from Kyrgyzstan to Germany doubled

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In October 2022, $160.4 million was transferred abroad through fast transfer systems from Kyrgyzstan against $170.4 million in September, a decrease of 5.9%, Akchabar.kg reported.

The decrease in the outflow of money from individuals is associated with its decrease in Russia by 12.6%, from $108.6 million to $94.9 million, and Kazakhstan — by 16.7%, from $600 thousand to $500 thousand.

At the same time, the outflow to non-CIS countries, on the contrary, increased by 6.24%, from $60.9 million to $64.7 million, which is explained by a doubling of transfers to Germany - up to $2.3 million, by 18.2% in the USA - up to $3.9 million, by 3.6% to Turkey — up to $57.3 million.

We add that the maximum outflow of money from individuals through money transfer systems in the Kyrgyz Republic was recorded in September ($170.4 million).


December 14, 2022