Population of Uzbekistan exceeds 36 mln people

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As of January 1, 2023, the population density in Uzbekistan was 80.2 people per square kilometer, according to a report by the Agency on Statistics of Uzbekistan.

The resident population of Uzbekistan as of January 1, 2023 amounted to 36,024.9 thousand people, including men - 18,128.6 thousand people, women - 17,896.3 thousand people, urban population - 18,335.7 thousand people, rural population - 17,689.2 thousand people.

As of January 1, 2023, 31.7% of the resident population of the republic were younger than working age, 56.8% were of working age, and 1.5% were older than working age.

As of January 1, 2023, the population density in the country was 80.2 people per square kilometer. This is 1.6 more people compared to the same period in 2021 (78.6 people per square kilometer in 2022). In terms of regions, the highest population density was 6,597.5 people in Tashkent, 772.7 in Andijan region and 588.2 in Fergana region. The lowest rates were recorded in the Navoi region - 9.5 and the Republic of Karakalpakstan - 11.9 people.

The number of live births in January-December 2022 amounted to 932.2 thousand people, of which 482.4 thousand were boys, 449.8 thousand were girls, the number of births in urban areas was 473.4 thousand people, and rural areas - 458.8 thousand

If in 1920 the permanent population of the Republic of Uzbekistan was 4.4 million people, then by January 1, 2023 it increased by 31.6 million people, or 7 times and amounted to 36,024.9 thousand people. In turn, the coefficient of natural increase increased by 9.9 per thousand and, compared with 1920 (11.0 per thousand), it amounted to 20.9 per thousand.


February 7, 2023