President of Uzbekistan dismissed mayor of Tashkent for omissions in work and "idle talk"

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President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting on the situation with the energy supply of the country's inhabitants, at which he announced the dismissal of the mayor of Tashkent, Jahongir Artykhodzhaev, and explained why he made such a decision, reports.

"The population expresses serious dissatisfaction with the provision of natural gas and electricity, the quality of public services. We all see this. I myself see the unpreparedness for the situation, especially the leaders of all levels of Tashkent. The people see this," Mirziyoyev said at the meeting.

He wondered why such a deplorable situation had developed in the capital and why the officials could not prepare for the winter in advance?

"I am tormented by the question of where the responsible persons from the Cabinet of Ministers were looking, despite the fact that we talked so much about it. Due to omissions in preparation for the winter season, I dismissed the khokim of Tashkent, Jahongir Artykhodzhaev," Mirziyoyev said.

He also noted that Jahongir Artykhodzhaev is an empty talker and a liar who sent false reports and reports.

On behalf of Mirziyoyev, the Prosecutor General's Office and the State Security Service of Uzbekistan will check the activities of the former hokim. If there are facts of violation, Dzhakhongir Artykhodzhaev faces severe punishment.

The President of Uzbekistan at the same meeting announced the appointment of Bakhtiyor Rakhmonov as Acting Mayor of Tashkent. Previously, he was the deputy mayor of Tashkent for architecture, capital construction and communications development.

In addition, President Mirziyoyev appointed Erkin Yuldashev, who previously worked as the Deputy Prosecutor General of Uzbekistan, as the prosecutor of the city of Tashkent.

January 16, 2023