Seminar on SDG Regional Information Platform was held in Turkmenistan

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A training seminar on creating the Regional Information Platform for Sustainable Development Goals for Central Asian countries took place in Ashgabat, reports.

The project to establish the SDG information panel is being implemented with the technical support of the Istanbul Regional Hub of UNDP and the Institute for Economic Research of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, within the framework of the European Union (EU) funded project "Regional SDG Platform in Central Asia."

The training, attended by representatives from various ministries and agencies of Turkmenistan, provided a platform for discussing the results of the work and future actions in forming the SDG information platform.

The seminar was conducted by representatives of the Institute for Economic Research of the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan: Bakytgul Khambaar, Director of the SDG Secretariat, and Madina Nurzhanova, Senior Expert. They acquainted participants with the results of the analysis of national indicators for SDGs.

During the training, Mikhail Pelyakh, a program specialist in green economy and employment at the Istanbul Regional Hub of UNDP, presented the project of the regional SDG information platform.

Participants studied key approaches to analyzing the interaction between SDG tasks and indicators and identified their interconnections in the national context.

The creation of the SDG information platform will contribute to knowledge exchange, expand statistical potential, and ensure effective monitoring of SDGs in the country and throughout the Central Asian region.

November 14, 2023