Tajik leader called on citizens not to stain honor of Tajik people and improve image of state

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President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon called on the citizens of his country to show political vigilance, not to tarnish the honor of the Tajik people, and not to allow adults and children to be exploited by vested interests. He stated this in his congratulatory message to the citizens on the occasion of the Eid al-Fitr holiday, TASS reports.

"We must raise our children in such a way that they are worthy of the name and memory of our glorious ancestors, enhance the authority and image of the state and nation on the international stage, and by no means tarnish the honor of the Tajik people. Because disgracing one's nation is unworthy of a person whose people are called Tajik, with an ancient and rich culture, a civilization known worldwide," the message says, published by the press service of the President of Tajikistan.

Rahmon noted that tensions are rising in the world, and "in these extremely difficult and dangerous conditions, citizens, children should not become a toy in the hands of interested groups and forces." He also called for political vigilance, awareness of national values, "to make compliance with the law mandatory and a daily habit," and, while celebrating the holiday, "not to allow excess and wastefulness, ostentation and hypocrisy." The President emphasized that it is better for citizens to perform good deeds instead of wasting resources and setting a lavish table.

The Eid al-Fitr holiday is one of the main holidays for Muslims, marking the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. In Tajikistan, the holiday will be celebrated on April 10, and this day is declared a public holiday in the country.


April 9, 2024